- 修建 to construct
- 一条新的铁路正在修建中。 A new railroad is under construction.
- 修建那条新铁路将是一项巨大工程。 Building the new railroad will be a mammoth job.
- 国家计划投资两百万元修建这个大坝。 The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam.
- 自从他们沿着那个地方修建了一条新的旁路后,那个地方就一直非常冷清。 The place has been like a ghost town since they built the new bypass round it.
- 市府官员对那些不愿为修建新学校而毁家园的人们,不抱一点同情心。 The city officials rode roughshod over the people who did not want their homes torn down for a new school.
- 这条公路目前正在修建中。 This highway is in course of construction now.
- 市政委员会选择了修建一条旁道的办法来减轻市中心的交通拥挤。 The council Opted for a bypass to carry traffic away from the town
- 今年修建了多少新房子? How many new houses have gone up this year?
- 村民一致反对修建旁道。 The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the building of a bypass.
- 市政府已经同意了这个修建一座新桥的计划。 The municipal government has given its blessing to the plan of a new bridge.
- 在那个容易出事的地方一定得修建灯塔。 A lighthouse must be built at that dangerous place.
- 修建这条铁路提高了土地的价值。 Building the new railway appreciates the value of the land.
- 他支持修建水库的计划。 He sided with the plan to build a reservoir.
- 许多居民反对修建那条汽车路的计划。 Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.
- 这里将要修建一座钢铁厂。 Here is to be built an iron and steel factory.
- 一条高速公路正在修建。 A fast highway is being built.
- 修建水库 build a reservoir
- 由于缺乏奖金,委员会不得不临机应变,推迟实施修建一个新停车场的计划。 The council has had to trim its sails and postpone plans for a new car park because of lack of funds.
- 他反对修建新礼堂的建议。 He opposed the proposal to build a new hall.